SIAMO QUEL CHE MANGIAMO? Sostenibilità e arte

Antonio d’Avossa, ed.
New Academia Publishing, 2013
146 Pages, 99 exhibits
ISBN 978-09899169-1-2 Paperback

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About the Author


“Food and culture are energy. A past and at the same time a future. Conveyors of peace and friendship. Legacies to share.”
−Claudio Bisognero, Ambassador of Italy to the United States.

“We in the department of Fine Arts at the Corcoran are delighted to share a partnership with the artists of the Brera in this exciting series of exhibitions addressing the theme, ‘Siamo Quel Che Mangiamo?/Are We What We Eat?’”
−Lynn Sures, Professor, Chair of Fine Art, Corcoran Gallery of Art and Corcoran College of Art + Design.

“Art and food can represent both sides of the same coin: the desire of every individual to improve, spiritually and materially.”
−Roberto Maroni, President of the Lombardy Region.

“Nutrition is such a complex and multifaceted issue that it cannot be reduced to the presence or absence of food. A multitude of factors contribute to the satisfaction of our hunger and thirst for knowledge, to our enrichment, to our awareness of the challenges of everyday problems.”
−Giuseppe Sala, Commissioner Expo 2015.