Aspects of Balkan Culture Social, Political, and Literary Perceptions

Jelena Milojković-Djurić
New Academia Publishing, 2006
296 Pages
ISBN 0-9767042-8-5 Paperback

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About the Author

Jelena Milojković-Djurić, a cultural historian, accomplished her studies at the Universities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Berlin, Belgrade and received her Ph.D. in 1981. She taught at the Universities of Belgrade, Colorado and Texas A&M. Her publications include, Tradition and Avant-Garde, Vol. 1 and 2, (1984, 1988); Aspects of Soviet Culture: Voices of Glasnost 1960-1990, (1991); Panslavism and National Identity in Russia and in the Balkans 1830-1880, (1994); The Eastern Question and the Voices of Reason, Austria-Hungary, Russia and the Balkan States 1875-1908,( 2002). She has published numerous papers in scholarly journals.

About the book

The selected essays present a palimpsest of sorts aiming to elucidate the multifaceted responses to major historical events facing the ethnically diverse population of the Balkan Peninsula. The essays dealing with the Eastern Question were written at the time when the recent civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina was replicating the Eastern Question in its current phase.


“Professor Djurić moves with ease from one historical era to another, from the fateful events of the 19th and 20th centuries to contemporary writers, from evils of occupation to the struggle for freedom. In a word, a remarkably pertinent study for those interested in understanding the Balkan powder keg, even today.”
– Vasa Mihailovich, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

“The treatment of the Eastern Question is particularly valuable in a volume which provides scholars, students, and others interested in this fascinating and turbulent area of the world, with a wealth of information to digest and consider.”
– Donald L. Dyer, Professor of Russian and Linguistics, University of Mississippi. Editor of Balkanistica.